Revista shkencore ndërkombëtare
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Kjo revistë, tanimë jo ekzistente në emrin origjinal të saj si rezultat i avancimit në arenën ndërkombëtare, me specifikat që ka, merr kuptimin e një reviste të karakterit ndërkombëtarë. Në këtë revistë, njerëzve të shkencës nga vende të ndryshme të botës u është mundësuar për disa vite, që në gjuhën e tyre të botojnë punimet e tyre shkencore. Me këtë qasje kjo revistë krijoi unikalitetin e saj. Kjo qasje, pos tjerash, ka bërë të mundur që Revista Ndërkombëtare “ILIRIA” të bëhet rrjedhimisht, pjesë e bibliotekave të shumë universiteteve dhe institucioneve shkencore të njohura në botë.
Revista shkencore ndërkombëtare “ILIRIA”, nën emrin dhe strukturën e saj origjinale, botohet që nga viti 2007, dy herë në vjet.
Punimet e prezantuara brenda kësaj reviste janë të karakterit multi disiplinor dhe nga ekspertë, profesorë, shkencëtarë nga rajoni, vendi dhe bota të cilat do të prezantohen si më poshtë:
2018 / 1
- Dr.Sc. Bojan TIČAR – Overview of Slovenian Legal Regulation for Possible Transformation of Public Institutions into Commercial Companies
- Dr.Sc. Bekë KUQI, Dr.Sc. Petrit HASANAJ – The Importance of Globalization in the Economic Integration of the Countries in the Region: The Case of Kosovo
- Dr.Sc. Francis OKUMO OMILLO, LL.M. Yufunalis OKUBO – Does Intellectual Property Protection Bring Advantage to Innovators And Consumers?
- Dr.Sc. Fisnik MUÇA – Challenges for Trade Liberalization and WTO Rules: The Case of Macedonia
- MSc. Kujtim HAMELI – A Literature Review of Retailing Sector and Business Retailing Types
- Dr.Sc. Dritero ARIFI, Dr.Sc. Shpendim OXHA – The Difficult Relationship between the Kosovo Political Parties and Conservatism
- Dr.Sc. Gjon BORIÇI – China’s One Belt and One Road Initiative: The Response to Western Globalization?”
- Dr.Sc. Slagjana STOJANOVSKA, Dr.Sc. Violeta MADZOVA – Differences in efficiency of innovation performance among EU candidate countries and EU 28 countries
- Dr.Sc. Muhidin MULALIC – Critical Analysis of Sociology and Social Research Studies in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Dr.Sc. Pervin OYA TANERI, Nalan AKDUMAN – Termination of the teaching of the Continuous Cursive Handwriting in Schools
- MSc. L. LUČIĆ, Dr.Sc. T. BRKLAČIĆ, Dr.Sc. L. KALITERNA LIPOVČAN – Longitudinal online survey in well-being research: first experiences from CRO-WELL project
- Dr.Sc. Filiz KARAFAK – Examination of Finland Integrated Water Management Sample of EU’s Hydro Political Approach for Sustainable Ecological Planning
- Dwi RATNANINGSIH. S.T., M.T – The Characteristic of Traffic Accidents Occurred On Mayjen Sungkono Street Malang due to Environmental Factors
- MA. Genc MEKAJ, MA. Kreshnik ALIAJ – Globalisation as a facilitator of terrorism
- MA. Mirlind SHALA – European Politics and Diplomacy before the World War One 1908 – 1914
- MA. Astrit LLESHI – How Can the International Community Best Respond to the Problem of Child Soldiers?
2017 / 1
- Dr.Sc. Vesna GEORGIEVA SVRTINOV, Dr.Sc. Olivera GJORGIEVA – TRAJKOVSKA, Dr.Sc. Blagica KOLEVA – The effect of Foreign Direct Investment in Western Balkan economies for the period 2005 – 2015
- Dr.Sc. Said ACHAMAD LAMO – Corporate Social Responsibility in Perspective of Public Administration (A Governance Study)
- Dr.Sc. Arjeta HALLUNOVI – Determinants of profitability according to groups of banks in Albania
- Dr.Sc. Iskra BELAZELKOSKA BORIZOVSKA, Dr.Sc. Ljubomir KEKENOVSKI – Enhancing the Macedonian Health System through Implementation of the Public-Private Partnership Model
- Dr.Sc. Nasir SELIMI, Dr.Sc. Jusuf ZEKIRI – Internationalization of businesses and selection of entry modes in other markets
- Dr.Sc. Valbona NATHANAILI – Teacher-teacher and teacher-principal collaborations in the public schools of Albanian educational pre-university system
- MSc. Halit KARAXHA, MSc. Hidajet KARAXHA, Dr.Sc. Arjan ABAZI – The Preparation and Selection of Budget Methods for Promotion in Kosovo
- MSc. Arbenita KOSUMI – Discrimination of women in the private sector
- Dr.Sc. Mario ANTINUCCI – Life sentence penalty and extradition under article 3 of the ECHR: A leading case of the European Court of Human Rights
- Dr.Sc. Johann GÜNTHER – Change in Higher Education – View of Experts, Teachers and Students
- Dr.Sc. Abdul SABARUDDIN – The Collaborative Management Model on Developing the Infrastructure of the Pomalaa’s Airport, Indonesia
- Dr.Sc. Valentin PEPELJUGOSKI, LL.M. Ana PEPELJUGOSKA – The Interaction between Priority and Novelty as Fundamentals for Patent Protection
- Dr.Sc. Ngadhnjim BROVINA – Peacebuilding in Kosovo
- MSc. Albana METAJ-STOJANOVA – The Fundamental Human Right to Marry and to Family Life and their Protection in the Legal Framework of the Republic of Macedonia
- MA. Arben SALIHU – The Western accounts on early Albanian-Serbian interactions and the Kosovo myth
- MA. Petrit HASANAJ, MA. Albina SHALA, Dr.Sc. Jusuf QARKAXHIJA – Banking system and its role in Kosovo’s economic development
- MA. Leonora VRANJA – The impact of the CEFTA trade agreement on economic development in Kosovo
2017 / 2
- Dr.Sc. Melike GÜL, MSc. Kaya Nihat PEKBAY, Dr.Sc. Kudret GÜL – The Impact of Ethical Climate on Emotional Organizational Commitment: A Survey in the Accommodation Industry
- Dr.Sc. Tihana BRKLJAČIĆ, MSc. Mario PANDŽIĆ, MSc. Dragan GLAVAŠ – Sound of Silence: Comparison of ICT and speech deprivation among students
- Dr. Muhammad SAWIR, M.Si – The Bureaucracy Accountability in Implementing Free Education Program in Education Service Department in Makassar
- MSc. Rezarta ZHAKU-HANI, MSc. Lirinda VAKO-ABEDINI – The Impact of E-Commerce and GDP on the Revenue of “One”
- Dr.Sc. Goran ŠIMIĆ, MA. Ena KAZIĆ – The contribution of prosecutors to the failure of damage claims of victims in war crimes trials at the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Dr.Sc. Gjon BORIÇI – The Brexit challenge for Britain and Europe
- Dr.Sc. Bisera MAVRIC – Political Geography into Geopolitics – The Geopolitics of Decline
- Dr.Sc. Demush BAJRAMI, MA. Amir MUSTAFAI – The Quality of Governance and EU Regional Policy as a key determinant in the process of the integration of the Western Balkans into the EU
- Dr.Sc. Bekim KADRIU, Dr.Sc. Ardit MEMETI – Between Secularism and State Support of Religious Communities: An (In)Equality Dilemma
- MA. Fesseha Mulu GEBREMARIAM, MA. Abtewold Moges BAYU – Ethiopia: A Democratic Developmental State?
- MA. Albana GËRXHI – Women a(t) Battlefield
- MA. Ali İhsan ÇELEN – The Place and Importance of Associations in Strengthening Trade Unions
- MSc. Semra BUJARI – Influence of sociological determinants in consumer behavior
- Dr.Sc. Nur IHSAN HL., M. Hum – Politeness Strategy in Directive Speech Acts of Tolea Pabitara on Traditional Marriage Ceremony of Tolaki-Mekongga Ethnic Group
- Dr.Sc. Dragan BULATOVIĆ – Ecotourism and Ecolodge Accommodation
- Dr.Sc. Lucia NOVAKOVA – Tombs, Images and Identities in Ancient Anatolia
2016 / 1
- Nail RESHIDI, MSc. Vjosa FEJZA, MSc. Albnore DURMISHI-DEVETAKU – Comparative Analysis of Promotion Strategies in the Industry of Energy Drinks in Kosovo
- Jehona SHKODRA – Kosovo farmers’ demand for agricultural loans
- MSc. Hidajet KARAXHA, Ilia KRISTO – The Logistics and Management of Distribution Channels, the case of Kosovo
- MSc. Halit KARAXHA, MSc. Sejd TOLAJ, Arjan ABAZI – The Role of Direct Marketing in Relation with the Consumers in Kosovo
- Nasir SELIMI, MA. Kushtrim REÇI, Luljeta SADIKU – The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on the Export Performance: Empirical Evidence for Western Balkan Countries
- MSc. Valdrin DERVISHAJ, MA. Getoar LUBENIQI – Government Participation in Bad Debts Resolution; Case of Kosovo and Albania
- MSc. Albulena UKIMERAJ – Promotion of Human Rights in the Republic of Kosovo
- MSc. Vilard BYTYQI – The State’s obligation to protect the individuals lives from the consequences of domestic violence: Kosovo case
- Gjon BORIÇI – The fall of the Albanian – Chinese relations 1971-1978
- Samet DALIPI – Kosovo: A False Pretext for Russian Regional Paternalism
- Bejtush GASHI – The role and impact of the small states’ diplomacy on regional and international security
- MSc. Bahri GASHI, Fadil ZENDELI – The impact of security and intelligence policy in the era of cyber crimes
- MSc. Bahrie BESIMI – The transformative power of EU: an Assessment of EU impact in the judicial system of Kosovo
- MA. Islam ISLAMI – Political history of modern Egypt
- Mgr. Lucia NOVÁKOVÁ, Mgr. Monika PAGÁČOVÁ – Dexiosis: a meaningful gesture of the Classical antiquity
2016 / 2
- Shpresa RESHIDI, Msc. Adelina ZEQIRI, Msc. Saranda KAJTAZI – Management of relationship between customer satisfaction and services in hotel industry in Pristina
- Ali PAJAZITI, Biljana BLAŽEVSKA – STOILOVSKA, Ana FRITZHAND – From Inclusive Identities to Inclusive Societies: Exploring Complex Social Identity in the Macedonian Context
- Ertan Yesari HASTÜRK, Murat UZEL – Evaluation of the Current States of Older Employees: The Case in Ankara
- Jusuf ZEQIRI – The Impact of Ethno Marketing Activities on Consumer Buying Behavior in the Balkans: The Case of Kosovo
- Msc. Halit KARAXHA, Berim RAMOSAJ, Arian ABAZI – The Influence of Advertisements in Increasing the Sales in Kosovo
- Msc. Hidajet KARAXHA, Msc. Sejd TOLAJ, Ilia KRISTO – Promotion through Marketing Channels – The Case of Kosovo
- Mgr. Lucia NOVÁKOVÁ – Symbolic figures in Early Imperial Asia Minor. Reshaping of funerary architecture?
- Mario ANTINUCCI – Destruction of illegal things and devices to contrast the counterfe
- Gjon BORIÇI – Globalization challenges in a globalized world
- MA. Astrit LLESHI – How States Carry Out Acts of Terror: Wars, Strategies and Tactics in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo
- Samet DALIPI, MA. Nehat DEMIRI, MA. Arta PLLANA-SHIPOLI – Not-recognizing policy within the minority EU members – Challenge for Kosovo’s Integration and Regional Peace-building
- Msc. Vilard BYTYQI – The right to appeal on criminal procedure under international acts and jurisprudence
- MA. Arben SALIHU – “Zooming Albanian factor in the nineteenth century, through Western lenses”
- Msc. Petrit HASANAJ – Globalization process and its impact on Kosovo’s tourism development
- Msc. Alfred NELA – Constructivist Methods in Teaching: The Case for Albania
2015 / 1
- Nasir SELIMI – Why hasn’t Macedonia Succeeded for a Long Time in Absorbing Foreign Direct Investment
- Nail RESHIDI, MSc. Reimonda HOXHA, MSc. Rasim ZUFERI – Marketing Strategies in the Real-Estate Industry in Prishtina
- Hysni TERZIU – The Privatisation Process in Kosovo
- Shpresa MEHMETI, MSc. Mentor MJEKIQI -The impact of E-Marketing in the Positioning of Kosovo Banks
- MSc. Nexhat SHKODRA, MSc. Nermin XHEMILI, Myrvete BADIVUKU-PANTINA – Challenges and Problems in the Kosovo Reality Related to Foreign Direct Investment
- MSc. Arbenita BLLACA – Local Businesses and the Importance of Supporting Them
- MSc. Neshat PODVORICA – Political Risk and Foreign Direct Investments in Kosovo
- MSc. Ajtene AVDULLAHI, MSc. Vjosa FEJZA Efficiency – Improvement and Quality Initiatives Application in Financial Institutions
- MSc. Vjosa MULLATAHIRI, MSc. Lorik ABDULLAHU, MSc. Ganimete PODVORICA – The Approach of Local Firms towards E-Banking
- Bajram UKAJ – Mejdi BEKTASHI, Economic Criminal Acts according to Criminal Code of Republic of Kosovo
- Mario ANTINUCCI – Internal and International Corruption
- MSc. Arben LUBACH – Similarities and Differences of the Emerging Prison Problems in England and Wales vs. Kosovo: a Sociological and Criminological Perspective
- MA. Shyhrete KASTRATI – The Principle of Will Autonomy in the Obligatory Law
- Samet DALIPI – American Jewish Altruism in Support of International Humanitarian Intervention and Kosovo Peace-building
- Elvina JUSUFAJ – The Kosovo Precedent in the Secession and Recognition of Crimea
- MA. Arben SALIHU – The Potential of Economic Diplomacy for Kosovo’s Economic Growth
- MA. Atdhe HETEMI – Orientalism, Balkanism and the Western Viewpoint in the Context of Former Yugoslavia
- MA. Gjenis HAXHIMEHMETI – “The Soft Power” of Small Countries: Kosovo Challenges and Potentials based on the Experience of Switzerland and Slovenia
- MSc. Alfred NELA – The Incorporation of the School Age Group of 16-18 Years Old in Gambling
- MA. Eglantina KRAJA, Adelina AHMETI – Internalizing and Externalizing Problems in Children of War Veterans in Kosovo
- MA. Niman BARDHI, Mimoza SHAHINI – The Correlation between Affective Temperaments and Internalizing Problems Reported by Adolescents of Age 14-18 Years
- MA. Lendita KRYEZIU – Learning from Errors
2015 / 2
- Berim RAMOSAJ, MSc. Hidajet KARAXHA, MSc. Halit KARAXHA – The Measurement, Evaluation, and Performance of Managers and Employees in Kosovo’s Enterprises
- Myrvete BADIVUKU – PANTINA, MSc. Jeton ZOGJANI – The Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth – Case Study for Kosovo
- MSc. Liridon VELIU, Mimoza MANXHARI, MSc. Sead UJKANI – The Influence of Motivation on Job Performance Case Study: Managers of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Kosovo
- MSc. Xhevat SOPI, Engjëll SHKRELI, MSc. Visar SUTAJ – Consumer Information and Willingness to Pay an Additional Price for Food Safety of Dairy Products
- MBA. Besfort AHMETI – Digital Marketing Insights and Opportunities in Kosovo
- MA. Dua DAUTI – KADRIU – Emotional Intelligence and its Relation to Job Success
- MSc. Arbenita TOPALLI – The Impact of the Business Environment in Developing an Enterprise Case Study: Furniture Manufacturing Tefik Canga Design
- MA. Arben SALIHU – Specific Business and Management Challenges in Globalised World: Opportunities and Recommendations
- Mario ANTINUCCI – “The Principles of Patrimony Due Process of Law: The Punitive Confiscation and the Protection of Third Parties Misrelated to the Crime”
- Jorida XHAFAJ – The Rights of Intersex Persons to Establish a Family under Albanian Law. Practice of the ECHR
- MSc. Njomëza ZEJNULLAHU – Judicial Institutions in Albanian Customary Law and in Comparison with Modern Law (The Canon of Lekë Dukagjini)
- MSc. Arben AGUSHI – Indemnification of Damage Based on Compulsory and Voluntary Insurance
- MSc. Vilard BYTYQI – The Establishment, Scope, and the Completion of the Mission of International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
- Makfirete KRASNIQI – Means of Evidence and Evidence Collection in Contested Procedure in Kosovo
- MSc. Vlorë BEKTESHI – The Property Rights of Copyright Based on the Law of Copyright in the Republic of Kosovo
- Gjon BORIÇI – Albania and Kosova in the circle of mobility in the global era
- MSc. Besjan HAJRULLAHU – Is China’s Rise going to be Peaceful?
- MA. Fisnik SADIKU, MA. Besnik LOKAJ – Activities of Intelligence Services as a Synonymous of Fear and Intimidation
2014 / 1
- TAX RESEARCH,Financial Accounting versus Tax, Accounting – Tax Rules’ Impact on Investment Decisions, Skender AHMETI, Muhamet ALIU, MSc. Alban ELSHANI
- Knowledge Management Experience in Kosovo Organizations, MSc. D. KAÇANDOLLI – GJONBALAJ, MSc. A. ALISHANI, MSc. A. REÇI
- The impact of Oil Prices on the International Economic Arena: The Economic Factors and International Players, MA. Arben SALIHU
- Systems Theory and Systems Approach to Leadership, Berim RAMOSAJ, MSc. Gentrit BERISHA
- Post-Sale Customer Support Methodology in the TQM System, Elizabeta MITREVA, Nako TASKOV, Darko BARISHIC
- Creating Clusters and Competitiveness in Business: Kosovo Case, r.Sc. Hysni TERZIU
- The Business Environment and Problems of Small and Medium Enterprises in Kosovo, MSc. Muhamet HASHANI, Myrvete BADIVUKU-PANTINA
- The Development of Broadband in Kosovo and its Importance for the Economy, Dr.Sc. Justina PULA, MSc. Adhurim HAXHIMUSA
- Privatization Process in Kosovo, MSc. Florin ALIU
- Service Innovation and Customers’ Involvement in Service Industry in Kosovo, MSc. Vjollca MULLATAHIRI
- Policy of Tariff Protection in the Light of WTO Accession, MSc. Burim GASHI
- Ethics in Public Administration, MSc. Arjeta HALLUNOVI, Elez OSMANI, Eldiana BASHA
- Parental Responsibilities to Children in the Republic of Kosovo, MSc. Shpresa IBRAHIMI, Hamdi PODVORICA
- The History of Development of Land Registration and Ownership Rights in Kosovo, Legal Challenges During the Years 1912-2014, LL.M. Blerta RUDI
- Reforming of the Judicial System of Kosovo based on the Law no. 03/L-199 on Courts and its challenges, Azem HAJDARI, MSc. Shpresa IBRAHIMI, MSc. Albulena HAJDARI
- The Legal Position and Factual Situation of Women Participation to Inheritance in Kosovo, LL.M. Egzonis HAJDARI
- Mediation as a Way of Alternative Resolution of Disputes in Kosovo, Bedri BAHTIRI, MSc. Islam QERIMI
- Rational Dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia – Way Toward Reconciliation, Samet DALIPI, MSc. Nehat DEMIRI
- Methods Used to Deal with Peace Process Spoilers, MA. Bilbil KASTRATI
- The Balkans and Syria’s Civil War: Realities and Challenges, MA. Përparim GUTAJ
- International Legal Subjectivity: Concept and Reality in the UN, MSc. Ornela TAÇI
- Students’ Perception of the ESP Courses at the University of Prishtina
- Change Management and its Influence in the Business Environment, Berim RAMOSAJ, MSc. Halit KARAXHA, MSc. Hidajet KARAXHA
- Exclusions from Insurance Coverage of Motor Liability – Case of Kosovo, Rrustem QEHAJA
- Passenger Perception towards E-ticketing Services, Airline Industry, Nail RESHIDI, MSc. Saranda KAJTAZI, MSc. Lorik ABDULLAHU
- The Role and Impact of Remittances on the Economic Growth – Kosovo Case Study, MSc. Jeton ZOGJANI, Myrvete BADIVUKU-PANTINA
- The Impact of Political Risk on Foreign Direct Investment, MSc. Alba KRUJA, Blerta DRAGUSHA
- Influence of Marketing on Consumer’s Adoption of E-Banking, MSc. Ganimete PODVORICA, Nail RESHIDI
- The Development of Joint Stock Companies according to Kosovo’s Legislation and their Comparison with the Region, MSc. Detrina ALISHANI
- Reaching Constructive Compromise: Steps, Tactics, and Strategies, MA. Arben SALIHU
- Several Key Features of Marriage in Kosovo, Hamdi PODVORICA
- The Victims of Road Traffic in the Territory of Kosovo and the Way of Their Compensation-Indemnity, MSc. Halim KULIQI
- Features of the Civil Law Procedure for Protection against Discrimination, Agim NUHIU
- Geo-Regional Security and Transformation After the Balkan’s Wars and Kosova Independence, Gjon BORIÇI
- Similarities and Differences between NATO and the EU Enlargement, MA. Bilbil KASTRATI
- Extrajudicial Protection of Property Rights in the Aftermath of Kosovo Armed Conflict, MSc. Fatlum HALIMI
- Some Considerations on the Evolving Concepts of Cultural Heritage, MSc. Dorina XHERAJ-SUBASHI
- Evaluation of Cost-Effectiveness of Cochlear Implant Use in Albania and Benefits from its Applications to Children with Profound Loss Hearing, MSc. M. RAMA, A. KALECI, S. VITO, MSc. S. SHULETA-QEHAJA
- Powerful figures and images: Contribution to Personification of Polis in Hellenistic Art, Mgr. Lucia NOVÁKOVÁ, Lukáš GÚČIK
2013 / 1
- Role of the Legislature in the Budget Procedure: The Case of Kosovo Assembly, Bedri PECI
- Deindustrialization of Kosovo and establishment of the private sector in Kosovo – Obstacles, Ymer HAVOLLI, Skënder AHMETI
- Improving Decision Making with Information Systems Technology – A theoretical approach, Mihane BERISHA-NAMANI, Albana QEHAJA
- Business TQM culture in the world compared with the situation in the Macedonian companies, Elizabeta MITREVA
- Capital flows to emerging economies during and after the global financial crisis in 2008 Vesna GEORGIEVA-SVRTINOV, Riste TEMJANOVSKI
- Digitalization of the human mind, Drita MEHMEDI
- The role and influence of entrepreneurship on the growth and expanding of small and medium enterprises in the Republic of Macedonia, Msc. Lidija GOSEVSKA, Vasil POPOVSKI, Msc. Goce MARKOSKI
- Impact of integrated communication system in development of company Pestova-VIPA, Nermin XHEMAILI, Shukrie MORINA
- Marketing mix strategies of bread producers in Kosovo, Ejup FEJZA, Nail RESHIDI, Ramiz LIVOREKA
- A literature review of the trade−off theory of capital structure, Anila ÇEKREZI
- Information Technology as Factor in Development of Contemporary Business, Luan JUSUFI
- Electoral impact of public policies, Case Study: Elections as an instrument of civic participation in public policies in Kosovo, Ibrahim GASHI, Msc. Bardhok BASHOTA
- Kosovar Public Diplomacy, Bekim BALIQI, Msc. Ngadhnjim BROVINA, Bsc. Fjollë NUHIU
- Beyond independence: Anti-Americanism and the Serb resistance in Kosova, Përparim GUTAJ
- Permanent education of administrative staff and develop their capacity – a worthwhile investment in the functioning of higher education institutions, Msc. Aleksandar TODOROVSKI, Msc. Elizabeta ATANASOSKA
- Jurisdiction of courts with a focus on the Special Chamber of the Supreme Court of Kosovo, Stavri SINJARI, Rezana BALLA
- Jurisdiction of courts with a focus on the Special Chamber of the Supreme Court of Kosovo, Sabri HALILI
- Theoretical concepts about “Intelligence” – practices and standards in democratic societies, Bahri M. GASHI
- SUBTLEX- AL: Albanian word frequencies based on film subtitles, Rrezarta AVDYLI, Fernando CUETOS
- Social distance in terms of demographic features – Kosovo population study, A. Arënliu, D. Bërxulli, M. Haskuka
2013 / 2
- The impact of Euroization in Businesses’ Access to Finance in Kosovo, Dr.Sc. Bashkim ISUFI
- Increase of Exports as a Potential Factor for Sustainable Economic Development of Kosovo, Dr.Sc. Myrvete BADIVUKU, Dr.Sc. Skender AHMETI, M.Sc. Nexhat SHKODRA
- Dr.Sc. Ymer HAVOLLI, The Development of Human Resources and Labour Market
- Reform of Kosovo Tax System after Independence and its key functions, Dr.Sc. BEDRI PECI
- Labour Market Institutions in the Western Balkan Countries and their Economic Implications: Evidence for Kosova, Anera ALISHANI, BA. Ariana SHABANI, Dr.Sc. Mujë GJONBALAJ
- The involvement of Albanian Ethnic Immigrants in Entrepreneurship as a new possibility on their integration in the International Labour Market – their role in Transnational Bridging for homemade products (case of the province of Milan, Italy), MA. Ilir BEJTJA, M.Sc. Elvira FETAHU
- Albania among Bank Based System’s Countries, M.Sc Rovena TROPLINI
- Marketing mix strategies of bread producers in Kosovo, M.Sc. Nexhat SHKODRA, Dr.Sc. Myrvete BADIVUKU, M.Sc. Naile FETAHU
- Some Aspects of The Procedure for Reviewing the Inherited Property In The Republic Of Kosovo, Dr. Sc. Hamdi PODVORICA
- The Rights and Obligations of Spouses in Islamic Classic Law, Dr. Sc. Juelda LAMÇE
- Legal-civil aspect of types of Immaterial Damage, Dr. Sc. Rrustem QEHAJA
- Imperative part of the Law on Kosovo Inheritance (Comparative view), M.Sc. Shpresa IBRAHIMI
- Dissolution of Marriage According to Kanun Law, M.Sc. Sulejman AHMEDI
- The Inevitability of Strengthening the Nation-Building Subjectivity of Ethnic and National Groups, Dr.Sc. Harun HADZIC
- Reading Ancient Reliefs: an approach to interperation of architectural decoration in historical and political context, Mgr. Lucia NOVÁKOVÁ, Dr.Sc, BC. Štefan DRÁBIK
- Western Balkan Countries and European Neo-regionalisation Case study: CEFTA and its impact on Kosovar economy: 2007-2013, M.Sc. Bardhok Bashota
- NATO intervention in Kosovo in light of Security Council actions and International Law, MA. Arben SALIHU
- Kosovar Society through Secularism and Religion, M.Sc. Dritëro ARIFI, Dr.Sc. Ylber SELA, BA. Fitore BEKTESHI
- The potentials for Political and Economic Development of Kosovo, M.Sc. Ngadhnjim BROVINA, M.Sc. Adnan HOXHA
- Meeting the political and the legislative Copenhagen criteria,the case of Kosovo, LL. M. Rinor HOXHA
- Experimental Process Identification for Industrial Water De-carbonization in Power Plants, M.Sc. L. Bina, .Dr.Sc. M. Stankovski, Dr.Sc. G. Stojanovski, M.Sc. D. Davidovikj
- Calculation of investments for the distribution of gpon technology in the village of Bishtazhin through database, M.Sc. Jusuf QARKAXHIJA, Dr.Sc. Tamara LUARASI
- The lack of Financial Statement application in Kosovo’s Farms and its consequences, M.Sc. Jehona SHKODRA, Dr.Sc. Mustafë PLLANA, M.Sc. Ekrem GJOKA
- Study of Organochlorinated Pesticide Residues and Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Soil Samples, M.Sc.Vlora GASHI, Dr.Sc. Aurel NURO, M.Sc. Basri PULAJ
- Study of Organochlorinated Pesticide Residues and PCBs in Vegetable and Fruit Samples from market in Peja–Kosovo, M.Sc. Defrime Berisha M.Sc Bardh Begolli, Dr.Sc Aurel Nuro
1. Revista Shkencore Ndërkombëtare “ILIRIA”, Numri 1 (2007)
Autori/Autorët Titulli i Punimit Shkencor
Dr. Mixhait Reçi Një botim i ri në shkencë;
Akademik Pajazit Nushi Mendimi psikanalitik, shkencat sociale e humane dhe arti;
Zejnullah Gruda, PhD The issue of responsibility for war crimes and crimes against humanit- a contribution for the establishment of common trues and cooperation;
Dr. Fred Hullerum & Dr. Bernhard Fritzen Über die notwendigkeit der lösung der serbischen verfassungskrise;
Dr. Vesel Latifi Zbulimi dhe luftimi i korrupsionit;
Dr. Nuri Bashota Ekonomia e tregut – detyrë prioritare në dokumentin “Standardet për Kosovën”;
Dr. Riza Smaka Kontrata për shitblerjen ndërkombëtare të mallrave sipas CIZG – t;
Dr. Skender Berisha Globalizmi – proces i pashmangshëm;
Moshe Landsman PhD Happiness, children with special needs, their parents and caretakers;
Dr. Mujë Gjonbalaj Rëndësia e tregut të punës dhe politikat e punësimit në Kosovë;
Dr. Muhamet Kelmendi Kombi dhe vetëvendosja kombëtare;
Dr. Enver Hasani Mbyllja e procesit të trashëgimit të ish – Jugosllavisë dhe pasojat e tij për Kosovën;
Dr. Nerxhivane Dauti Disa çështje me rëndësi lidhur me karakteristikat dhe teknikën juridiket të lidhjes së kontratave formularë;
Dr. Hava Bujupaj – Ismajli Sindikata, korporatat ndërkombëtare dhe negociatat kolektive;
Dr. Agur Sokoli Vendimet dhe përfundimet në procedurën administrative;
Dr. Hamdi Podvorica Birësim në rregullativën e re ligjore;
Dr. Rexhep Gashi Pozita e kryerësve të veprave penale sipas rregullores nr. 2004/34 “mbi procedurën penale ku përfshihen kryerës me çrregullime mendore”;
Dr. Knut Midgaard Om kjennetegn ved og betingelser for legitimt, rettferdig og godt politik styre;
Dr. Fejzulla Berisha Shteti i së drejtës – vlera më e lartë e demokracisë;
Dr. Veton Vula Kriminaliteti kompjuterik si formë e re e fenomenologjisë kriminale;
Dr. Shpresa Hoxha The contribution of William Martin Leake in the field of the Shqipërin studies;
Dr. Halil Kukaj Zonat e lira si mundësi për tërheqjen e investimeve të huaja në Kosovë;
Dr. Petrit Pollozhani Strategjia e zhvillimit të sektorëve ekonomik në Republikën e Maqedonisë për inkuadrimin e saj në proceset integruese botërore;
Dr. Myrvete Badivuku – Pantina Marrëveshjet e tregtisë së lirë në mes të Kosovës dhe vendeve të rajonit të Ballkanit Perëndimor;
Dr. Ramiz Livoreka Argumentet relevante për vazhdimin dhe përshpejtimin e procesit të privatizimit të ekonomisë së Kosovës;
Dr. Mustafë Blakaj Potenciali natyror për prodhimin e energjisë elektrike në Kosovë.
2. Revista Shkencore Ndërkombëtare “ILIRIA”, Numri 2 (2008)
Autori/Autorët Titulli i Punimit Shkencor
Dr. Nuri Bashota Procesi i transformimit të pronës shoqërore në Kosovë dhe sfidat e saj;
Dr. Kurtesh Salihu Kosova ishte njësi konstituive e ish – Federatës Jugosllave dhe pavarësia e saj e ligjshme;
Lisen Bashkurti Negociatat në sistemin e Versajës;
Dr. Riza Smaka Zgjidhja e kontesteve në transaksionet juridike – biznesore;
Dr. Drita Kruja A comparative analysis of student learning styles in hospitality and tourism managment;
Dr. Anastas Angjeli “Aleanca globale antikrizë” dhe Shqipëria;
Dr. Bekim Baliqi Teoritë për identitetin kombëtar dhe shtetëror;
Dr. Nerxhivane Dauti Liria e kontraktimit;
Dr. Myrvete Badivuku – Pantina Këmbimi tregtar i Kosovës me vendet e rajonit dhe të Bashkimit Evropian;
Dr. Minevere morina – Rashiti Empirizmi sociologjik dhe faktet indikative të fenomenit gjenocidal sllav ndaj shqiptarëve;
Dr. Ercan Gundogan J. J. Roussea and the theory of the gjeneral will: An introduction;
Dr. Avdullah Robaj Përpjekjet e Kosovës për ndërtimin e shtetit ligjor;
Dr. Azem Hajdari Disa nga sukseset dhe dështimet e misionit të OKB – së (UNMIK –ut) në Kosovë në menaxhimin e sistemit të drejtësisë penale;
Dr. N. Muhaxheri, F. Mekuli Veçoritë fundamentale të kushteve në të cilat janë zhvilluar ecuritë bashkëkohore turistike në botën ligjore;
Lenka Brown EU enlargment and its impacts on EU struktural policy implementation after the year 2013;
Ambasador Bashkim Rama Aspekti demografik dhe gjeopolitik i shqiptarëve, në Ballkan dhe sfidat e diplomacisë;
Dr. Zeqir Demi Education System in Kosova 1980 – 1990 (Analytical View);
Mr. Islam Qerimi Institutet e gjakmarrjes dhe hakmarrjes te shqiptarët.
3. Revista Shkencore Ndërkombëtare “ILIRIA”, Numri 3 (2009)
Autori/Autorët Titulli i Punimit Shkencor
Dr. Sc. Nuri Bashota Koncepcioni dhe strategjia e zhvillimit afatgjatë;
Dr. Sc. Riza Smaka Diskurs për origjinën e dy kolosëve të lashtësisë, Aristotelit dhe Lekës së Madh;
Dr. Sc. Qemal Buçinca Autoriteti, stilet e udhëheqjes dhe kultura e menaxhimit me sistemet organizative të vendit;
Dr. Sc. Shpresa Hoxha Uilljëm Martin Liku mbi shtrirjen e shqiptarëve në Greqinë e sotme;
Dr. Sc. Gjon Boriçi Kongresi i Vjenës;
Dr. Sc. Esmeralda Uruçi,
MBA Albana Boriçi – Begani Globalizmi dhe ekonomia botërore;
Dr. Sc. Mazllum Baraliu Demonstratat e vitit 1968 dhe dënimet e shqiptarëve me burg politik deri më 1981;
Nicholas M. Zacchea, PHD National audit offices and accountability,transparency, and oversight: Essential elements of good governance;
Mr. Sc. Arbëresha Raça – Shala Femra dhe vepra penale e keqtrajtimit dhe braktisjes së fëmijës;
Mr. Sc. Kadri Kryeziu Zgjedhjet presidenciale në SHBA dhe perspektiva e marrëdhënieve SHBA në Kosovë;
Mr. Sc. Alketa Vangjeli Liberalizimi tregtar dhe rritja ekonomike: Rasti i Shqipërisë;
Mr. Sc. Feti Limani Metodat përgatitore taktike dhe teknike të zbulimit të veprave penale kundër sigurisë së trafikut publik;
Mr. Sc. Sadri Rexhepi Onomastika Mesjetare Arbane në Arealin e Dardanisë;
Mr. Sc. Agim Kurmehaj Përgjegjësia penale dhe disiplinore e pjesëtarëve të policisë së Kosovës sipas legjislacionit në fuqi;
Mr. Sc. Qamil Gjyrezi Psikoterapia dhe terapia e artit;
Mr. Sc. Venet Shala Strategjia e menaxhimit të bizneseve të vogla dhe të mesme sfida kryesore për zhvillimin ekonomik të Kosovës 169;
Dr. Sc. Sylë Tahirsylaj,
Mr. Sc. Agim Asllani Bioklima dhe vlerësuesit bioklimatik në Republikën e Kosovës;
Dr. Sc. Nebi Dervishi Etnogjeneza e torbeshëve;
Dr. Sc. Berim Ramosaj Zhvillimi dhe perspektiva e menaxhimit në bizneset kosovare;
Dr. Sc. Skënder Ahmeti,
Dr. Sc. Ymer Havolli Rrjedhat tregtare (MTL-të) dhe ndikimi në zhvillimin e NVM-ve;
Mr. Sc. Sadri Ramabaja Metamorfoza e gjeopolitikës.
4. Revista Shkencore Ndërkombëtare “ILIRIA”, Numri 4 (2010)
Autori/Autorët Titulli i Punimit Shkencor
Dr. Ilir Kaduku Zgjedhja e politikës fiskale në Shqipëri;
Dr. Nuri Bashota Zhvillimi ekonomik i Kosovës dje sot dhe në perspektivë;
Dr. Zeki Bejtullahu Rendet dhe renditjet;
Dr. Sinan Ademaj Aspektet makroekonomike të transformimit dhe privatizimit të ndërmarrjeve shoqërore në Kosovë;
Dr. Nail Reshidi
Mr. Vjosa Mullatahiri Menaxhimi i marketingut në sektorin e përpunimit të drurit në Kosovë;
Dr. Nexhat Muhaxheri;
Mr. Fëllanza Mekuli Konteksti zhvillimor i monitorimit të rrezikut;
Dr. Ilir Kaduku Historiku i politikës ekonomike të sigurimeve në Shqipëri;
Mr. Albana Gazija Roli i kënaqësisë së punëtorëve në punë në reduktimin e abstenizimit dhe fluktuimit;
Mr. Arta Selmanmusa Roli i komunikimit të menaxherëve në suksesin e ndërmarrjeve;
Mr. Shkëlzen Bashota Roli i popullsisë në zhvillimin ekonomik të Republikës së Kosovës;
Dr. Avdullah Robaj Vendime të Gjykatës Kushtetuese të Republikës së Shqipërisë;
Dr. Kadri Bicaj Aspektet kriminologjike dhe juridike mbi narkotikët;
Mr. Kadri Kryeziu Pluripartizmi dhe demokratizimi;
Mr. Bardhok Bashota Supernacionalizimi – Teoria dhe praktika;
Dr. Bakir Kelmendi;
Mr. Dëfrime Berisha;
Dr. Ismajl Cacaj Hulumtimi i disa parametrave të varieteteve të grurit dimëror nga vendet e rajonit të kultivuar në kushtet arkeologjike të Kosovës;
Mr. Dëfrime Berisha;
Dr. Bakir Kelmendi Hulumtimi i disa kulturave të Holandës në kushtet arkeologjike të Kosovës.